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Hall of Fame Members Inducted in Loveland
By Julianne Bartlett

The annual meeting of the NBSSCA in Loveland, Colorado was standing room only as the June gathering turned homecoming for the original members of the club and their friends and families. Of the 32 charter members from 1980, 13 were on hand and were inducted into the newly organized NBSSCA Hall of Fame. Bill Adamson, Roger Allgeier, JR Bonser, Pat Crowley, Roy Frank, Marvin Gardner, Andy Hysong, Lee Jacobs, Gale Kennedy, Skeeter Mincic, Bill Nelson, Don Ruth, and John Williams accepted their plaque and said a few words about "the good old days". Harold Perrin's daughter and WD Raftery's granddaughter accepted on their behalf. The other inductees who either were not able to attend or are sadly no longer with us include Bill Bonser, Garnet Brooks, freckles Bustos, BE Gelvins, John Gilmore, Paul Glause, Herman Harbison, Jim Laird, Wendell Madsen, Don Miller, Hi Pew, Tanky Robbins, Steve Rudy, Jack Salsbury, Charles Schreiner III, Frank Troxel, and Bill Willey. Lee Jacob's thoughts on the event epitomize the feelings of those attending: "The gathering at the NBSSCA Hall of Fame Inauguration was both a humbling and honorable experience. We reacquainted with charter members and had memories shared with those there and empty feelings about those who had gone. The NBSSCA has created friendships and challenges, joy and competitive jousts. My gratitude lies in the broadening of ones experience and using the energy required to stay abreast of all the association's activities. Our lives have been enriched and the generation to follow has given us respect and honor." The Hall of Fame will be an ongoing program with one new member elected each year by vote of the board of directors.

Congratulations to our 2002 Scholarship Winner Scholarship Winner: Clark White

Clark graduated from Hay Springs High School in Hay Springs, NE in 2001. He will be attending Chadron State College beginning in September, studying Agri Business. Clark's goals are to complete a four year degree and then continue on to graduate school. "I would like to live in a rural area" states Clark. Clark was selected as the Boys State Alternate, was in 4-H for nine years, and in Boy Scouts. He was a four year Honor Roll student and was selected to attend Chadron State College's Scholastic contest for three years. He participated in High School Rodeo for four years and attended State Finals for three years. Clark also played basketball for four years, football for one year and was in the H-Club for four years. Clark worked on an area ranch part time for the past seven years, full time during the summer. Skills acquired through the ranch work include fixing fence, calving, livestock care and the overall day to day aspects of ranch work.

Q: Why do you think we need the history of the Old West?
I feel it needs preserved because it is such an important part of our countries total history. I feel we need to be preserving the history of the Old West right now so it can be saved for future generations.

Q: What is your interest in the Old West?
How can you personally help to preserve our history? I have a very strong interest in the bit and spur part of the old west. I feel that I can help preserve your history of the Old West by knowing the different bit and spur makers and their styles. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others who are also interested. I have been very fortunate to have had people like Jim Aplan and Lee Jacobs along with several others, share their knowledge with me and would like to do so in return.

Membership Dues:
Annual Dues:
$20 US $30 Canada $40 Foreign
Lifetime Memberships:
$250 US $350 Canada $450
Foreign Dues payable on
January 1st in US funds only.
New US memberships
after June 30th are $30, which covers the current year plus the following year.

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