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  Old West Show & Auction 4 Color Newsletter
Thank you for your interest in advertising in our Cody Old West News. It has been in circulation since 1994 with a significant format upgrade which is now a 4 color magazine style publication. It is complimentary with a circulation currently at 5000 spanning coast to coast. Editorial consists of western item importance and local history.  It is a very targeted marketing tool for our advertisers to those high-end cowboy collectors who will visit Cody, Wyoming in June! We also see it is kept for years as a reference to our show & auction. It is also great exposure for Cody, Wyoming, the place to be in June!


Full Page - 4 Color   $500
1/2 Page - 4 Color   $300
1/4 Page - 4 Color   $200

Full Page - 1 Color   $200
1/2 Page - 1 Color   $150
1/4 Page - 1 Color   $125


Full Page Ad .......... 8" wide x 10.5" high
1/2 Page Ad .......... 8" wide x 5" high
1/4 Page Ad .......... 4" wide x 5" high 

AD SPECIFICATIONS  Ads accepted in digital format only
  • Transport Media acceptable: Iomega Zip or CD
  • Programs supported: (Mac): Quark 4 & 5, Illustrator 8, Photoshop 7.
  • Ads built in Corel Draw or Freehand accepted if saved as a placeable EPS with all fonts converted to outlines. ALL support files and fonts MUST accompany ad, including source files for images placed in EPS images.
  • Programs NOT supported or accepted: Word, Word Perfect, Publisher, or those not listed above.
  • File formats accepted: TIFF, EPS & PDF's. NOT accepted: JPEG, GIF, WMF
  • All graphic files must by CMYK at least 240 pixels per inch (resolution). 300 ppi preferred.
  • If high resolution scans cannot be provided, scanning service is available & charged to advertiser.
  • Please provide color proof with digital files.
  • Please name your file using your company's name.

    ABSOLUTE DEADLINE: April 30th, 2005

    Send Files to:
    Old West Show & Auction
    Administrative Office
    P.O. Box 2038
    37555 Hum Rd, Ste 101
    Carefree, AZ 85377

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