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  • We are considered the leading auction house in the country for western antiques.
  • Our reputation assures buyers they get what they pay for.
  • Our client list is the best in the Western Antique Business.
  • We have competitive and fair consignment rates with no hidden charges.
  • We have been in the Western Antique Business for over 20 years and rely on a large group of knowledgeable professionals for research to help sell your items.
  • Look at some of the prices our auction has realized in just the last 3 years, many are records for particular items.
  • We will tell you honestly if we feel we are not the auction for your item. We won't sell an item just for the commission. We want to treat you fairly.

View a sampling of Old West Auction Realized Prices from 1996-2003


"Custer Era" Colt SA Army Revolver - 2003

Consignments close in January, so contact us early!

How to get an item in our auction:

  1. Send photos along with any information/provenance.
  2. Digital files are the best, send to: brian@codyoldwest.com
  3. Other photos can be mailed to:
    Old West Auction Administration Office:
    P.O. Box 2038
    Carefree, AZ 85377

    Attn: Auction Consignment
    DO NOT expect these photos returned.
  4. Brian Lebel will review and contact you in 10-20 days.
    We do get an extreme amount of correspondence, so please be patient.
  5. Read carefully the following terms:
2005 Old West Auction


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Old West Auction Consignment Terms

1. Consignment. The owner employs the Auction Co. to sell at public auction certain property, including, but not necessarily limited to the items described on the reverse of this page and all attached pages. ALL CONTRACTS ARE CONSIDERED APPROVED AS SUBMITTED IF NOT RETURNED WITHIN 10 DAYS.
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a. Approximately 21-28 days after the auction, all consummated sales will be accounted for and paid for (a consummated sale is: a sale in which we have received clear payment on, delivery has been made and guarantee grace period has expired).
b. If the sale of any of your lots has not been consummated within the 21 day period, a second final payment will be made for the remaining lots once they have been consummated.
c. If for any reason the Auction Co. is not able to collect on a purchase or if for any reason the lot becomes a no sale, there will be no commission charge to the consignor and the lot may be returned to the owner or re-offered at future auctions subject to mutual agreement.
d. Any item which is returned to the Auction Co. for any reason will revert back to the consignor, unless other arrangements have been made.
e. The Auction Co. reserves the right to retain and try to sell any item that fails to sell in the auction for 30 days. Net price to seller to be the reserve price supplied on the contract.
10. Reserves. Reserves are an agreed upon confidential price between the Auction Co. and the owner, a price at which the lot will not be sold less than. Once a consignment sheet is signed by a consignor, (ALL CONTRACTS ARE CONSIDERED APPROVED AS SUBMITTED IF NOT RETURNED WITHIN 10 DAYS.) reserves cannot be increased. We discourage reserves, however, will reluctantly allow reserves on important lots provided that:
a. The reserve is realistic and conservative in relation to the market value of the lot. (Cannot be more than 75% of the low estimate)
b. The reserve is negotiated and agreed upon at the time the contract is prepared and can NOT be changed.
c. Any reserve lot must have the amount written in the reserve box. Please be sure this is done before signing this contract.
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f. Reserves CAN NOT BE CHANGED after the catalog is printed or after item is consigned, which ever comes first.
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13. Buyers Premium. Buyers premium does not concern consignor, it is paid directly to the auction house.
14. If an item is submitted to the auction and is subsequently deemed to be a fake, fraud, reproduction or otherwise other than represented, the consigner and or owner of the item will bear full responsibility for any costs incurred by the auction co. These costs will include, but are not limited to shipping, insurance, cataloging, photography, and charges by expert consultants. This clause applies to the item or items from time of arrival to actual auction time.


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