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Yellowstone National Park is located in the Northwestern corner of Wyoming. The Absaroka Mountains are located on the eastern side of Yellowstone and are the back-drop for the Cody and Big Horn Basin area. Farther to the east are the Big Horn Mountains and to the south are the Wind River Mountains. It is hard to be anywhere in Northwest Wyoming without a great view. The largest community in the immediate area is Billings, Montana, located about 100 miles to the north of Cody.

The terrain in this area varies from level, agriculture fields to rugged mountains. Most of the area is held in federal or state ownership and likewise is protected into the foreseeable future. The private property tends to follow the irrigateable valleys and plateaus around the various communities. The vast majority of the high mountain property is Federal Forest Service or National Park land.


The weather in Wyoming is best described as unpredictable. We are on the dry side of the Rocky Mountains so the annual rainfall is low. We are considered high desert. The humidity is low and the temperatures are generally mild. Summers are dry and the highs are typically in the 80's and 90's in the lower elevations. Winters are also dry but comfortable due to the low humidity. Wind is common throughout Wyoming but is most prevalent in the fall and winter. Wind can be an important factor in choosing a home or homesite.


Cody Wyoming has a reasonably sized airport that is typically served by Delta Airlines and United Airlines. Billings Montana is within an easy drive and has a larger airport with more connections. Salt Lake City is 400 miles from Cody and Denver is 500 miles away. Most roads in the area are well maintained 2 lane state highways with 65mph speed limits. Rental cars are available in Cody and Billings. Click on the map to view a close-up of northwest Wyoming.


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Real Estate residential, commercial, vacant land, farm and ranch properties for sale in Wyoming